Monday 4 July 2011

Movie Reviews : Shawshank Redemption

One of the finest movies ever made,may be considering hollywood bollywood whatever, it is simply the best movie ever made.
When I first started seeing this movie, in the first 15 min I was just like saying that why I am Seeing it because trust me in the first half an hour if will just seem like a dull and boring movie. But as the movie progressed it engrossed me deeper and deeper into it and with My eyes and mind stuck to it I completed it and the first word that came to my mind was WOW! what a wonderful film.I went on to see it another time after I finished it Just to rewind each and every aspect that was shown in the movie. Classic performances by all the actors[exceptional my Tim Robbins and Morgan Freeman] excellent direction and not to forget Stephen King for the great novel from which the movie was adapted. 
This film portrays in the best possible way the need of hope in a man's life.Andy Dufresne pays total mortgage to his character and was able to do show what the character actually demanded i.e., optimism and hope. I should say this movie wouldn't have been same has it not had RED i.e., Morgan Freeman. His voice in narration alone rendered a sublimity to the movie leave aside his presence as Red.
I have seen in movies that whichever movie showcases prison environment it shows the physical torture with all the brutality that exists there but in this movie Frank Darabont was able show life in prison without showing any brutality but still was able to leave a mark. The thing said by red about being Institutionalized is one the many lines in this movie which impresses me and what actually forces me to think what it would be like to be a person who has spent nearly half of his life in a prison.It would simply the only place he could survive. And Andy Dufresne even in such condition was able to drive hope.

All in All a movie to watch before dying....If anyone hasn't yet watched I would recommend to at least watch it once ,else it would be a thing you could say you missed in your life.

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